PaperCut – FAQ
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Why did NIACC begin the Student Printing Initiative?
North Iowa Area Community College recognizes there are significant economic and environmental costs associated with the printing solutions provided by the College. To better manage the costs of the printing environment at the College, NIACC will be utilizing the PaperCut solution. Below are frequently asked questions (FAQ) related to the NIACC Student Printing initiative. If you have questions, please submit them to – you will receive a response and you may see your question appear in a future release of the FAQ.
What is PaperCut?
PaperCut is a print management tool that allows the College to track print jobs, equipment usage and generate reports that help manage the costs of printing on campus. It also allows for you, our students, to monitor your printing activities quota.
Why does NIACC need it?
There is a significant cost associated with printing on campus. Without a tool to monitor and manage college printing it is difficult to properly budget the cost of providing technology services and support on campus.
Will I have to pay for all printing on campus?
No, each enrolled student will have a print quota applied to their “PaperCut account” each term they are enrolled.
What is a print quota?
Every fall and spring semester, each enrolled student receives a 400 page print quota from the College to be used for printing on any printer in the PaperCut system. After this initial allotment is exhausted, a process has been defined that must be followed to receive additional pages.
How do I login to PaperCut to check my quota?
When logged into a computer in a lab, click on the “Details” link of the PaperCut window.
From a web browser, login to with your NIACC username and password.
From a web browser, login to with your NIACC username and password.
I’m faculty/staff; am I given a print quota in the PaperCut system?
No. At this time the PaperCut quota process has not been implemented for faculty and staff.
What happens if I exceed my print quota?
NIACC currently provides printing without charge for the students, which is covered by the 400 page PaperCut print quota. After the initial credit is exhausted, the following actions will occur
- printing privileges for the student will be automatically suspended,
- a report of the student’s print activities will be created and analyzed by Technology Services,
- the student will meet face to face with the Dean of Student Development (or the designee) to discuss the student’s printing patterns as it relates to NIACC’s acceptable use policies and identify academic requirements that may have resulted in these the printing levels, and
- after the Dean of Student Development (or the designee) is comfortable with the information provided and that no abuse of printing privileges has taken place, Technology Services will be notified to add 100 pages to the students printing quota.
At the end of the semester is it possible to get a report of my printing usage for that semester?
Yes, you can log into your PaperCut account and access your print job history. You will be able to either export or print it for your reference.
What happens with my PaperCut print quota at the end of each year?
The quota for undergraduate students is set to zero at the end of each academic year. PaperCut balances are not carried over to future years or refunded.
I didn't use my entire University print quota. Can I get a cash refund?
No. The print quota is not a grant. It is simply an agreement that the college will provide up to 400 pages of printing each semester, should you need it. If you don’t use any or all of the allowance, no payment or refund is made.
No. The print quota is not a grant. It is simply an agreement that the college will provide up to 400 pages of printing each semester, should you need it. If you don’t use any or all of the allowance, no payment or refund is made.
Who do I talk to if I have a printing problem, such as if my print job fails or doesn’t print?
Contact the Technical Support Help Desk (, email, call 866-614-5020) for assistance.