Library Policies
Acceptable Behavior Policy
NIACC Library Acceptable Behavior Policy
The Library in 102 Beem Center is a shared area for study, research, learning assistance, and computer use.
The following NIACC policies are enforced in the Library:
Sexual Misconduct and Harassment Policy
The following are unacceptable behaviors in the Library:
- Listening to audio without headphones.
- Being barefoot or shirtless in the Library.
- Selling products or services or soliciting funds is subject to NIACC’s policies.
- Willfully blocking or obstructing Library entrances, exits, stairways, aisles, or passageways.
- Use of Library computing resources that is inconsistent with College policies on access and acceptable use of College computer and information resources, the College’s Student Code of Conduct, or with the mission of the Library.
- Bringing pets into the Library. Animals trained to assist users with disabilities are permitted.
- Carrying concealed or open carry weapons, except as permitted under federal, state, or local statutes.
- Remaining in or entering the Library during those times when the Library is not open to the public.
- Refusing to leave the Library in a timely fashion at closing.
- Opening emergency exits or activating emergency alarms, except in cases of emergency.
- Using threatening, intimidating or abusive language.
- Engaging in sexual harassment. Using images, including computer images, to harass Library users or library staff may also constitute sexual harassment and may violate the NIACC Technology Policy, the Sexual Misconduct and Harassment Policy, or the Student Code of Conduct.
- Accessing or distributing pornography.
- Engaging in violent behavior or making threats of violence.
- Engaging in intimidation or harassment of Library users or staff, including stalking.
- Consumption of alcoholic beverages or use of illicit drugs
- Non-compliance with the NIACC Library Children in the Library Policy.
- Use of in-line skates, skateboards or bicycles.
- Filming or photographing without permission.
- Vandalizing, damaging, destroying, or engaging in theft of Library property (buildings, equipment, or collections)
- Mutilating library materials by marking, underlining, removing pages or portions of pages, removing binding, removing electronic theft detection devices or barcodes, or in any other way defacing library materials
- Altering computer settings, software, or peripherals.
- Improper disposal of food and drink items.
- Violations of federal and international copyright laws, or other pertinent federal, state or local laws, including regulations. Responsibility for the appropriate use of copyrighted and licensed materials lies with the user.
- Posting of notices without the Library’s permission.
- Refusal to present briefcases, book bags etc., for inspection upon activation of the detection alarm
Library staff will ask users whose behavior is in conflict with this policy to stop such behavior. Should users fail to comply, Campus Security may be contacted to take appropriate action. Violators of this policy may be banned from 102 Beem Center, may be restricted from using the Library’s online databases or services, or may be subject to criminal prosecution and/or College discipline in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct in the Student Handbook.
The primary purpose of the NIACC Archive collection is to acquire, preserve and facilitate access to materials that document the origin and history of the College and to provide on-going evidence of the College’s development and activities.
Collection Access and Copying
Archival materials are shelved in a restricted access collection behind the library service desk, with a growing collection of digital reproductions of those materials stored in a secure location on the library drive. These materials may be unique and are often irreplaceable, therefore they do not circulate, they are not browsable without the assistance of the archivist, and they may not be removed from the library. Members of the NIACC community and the public may request that the archivist make digital scans of any item in the collection, and must provide their own storage media for the scan, or alternatively, digital files, usually pdf files, can be emailed to the requester. Upon request, the archivist may photocopy materials, provided they are not confidential, restricted, nor will be damaged during the photocopying. A loan of original archival materials may be arranged with the permission of the Library Director.
Collecting Scope
The NIACC Archive collects records, papers, photos, publications, and other historical materials documenting the history of Mason City Junior College and NIACC.
The following are materials collected by the Archive:
The Archive collects records and publications created in the course of College business from 1918 to the present that have permanent historical value in documenting programs, decisions, and individuals.
These include:
- Administrative records
- Annual Reports
- Catalogs
- Magazines and newspapers (student)
- Minutes
- Photographs
- Printed material
- Publications (student and organizational)
- Scrapbooks
- Student Handbooks
- Videotapes
- Yearbooks
The Archive collects materials in any format that document faculty, student, and alumni organizations.
The Archive accepts gifts of personal and professional papers and materials of selected faculty, alumni, and staff members.
The Archive is happy to accept donations that fall within its collection scope.
Due to limited staffing, budget and space, all donations or gifts are subject to review by the Library Director.
The NIACC Archive does not collect:
- Materials that are irreparably damaged or infested by insects or mold.
- Materials in which the donor’s ownership is in question or disputed.
- Duplicate materials
- Collections that contain materials that would be better archived at the Mason City Public Library or state library.
- Photocopies of materials donated to another repository.
- Collections for which the Archive is unable to provide suitable space, staffing, supplies, and equipment.
NIACC Library Cell Phone Use Policy
Cell phone use is permitted in the library as long as it is not disruptive to other patrons.
NIACC Library Challenged Materials Procedure
The NIACC Library offers a forum for information and ideas. We offer free and equal access to those ideas and resist censorship in all its forms. As an academic library committed to the principles of intellectual freedom as articulated in the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights and its documents on Intellectual Freedom Principles for Academic Libraries, decisions consistent with these principles are made about what remains in the collection.
Complaints about an item in the collection should be submitted to the NIACC Library Director.
The complainant must have read/seen the entire work to which they object. If they have not, the library will provide a review copy for the complainant to check out and review. Complainant must return the item in its original condition for the review to proceed past this point.
- The Library Director will meet with the community member making the complaint.
- If the problem cannot be resolved in the conference, the complainant will be asked to complete the NIACC Library Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials Form.
- The patron will return the completed form to the Library. The form must include the following information for the review to continue:
- Complainants should identify themselves both by name/addresses, and by their interest in the material (i.e., as a parent, student, religious leader, etc.)
- Complaints must be specific about the reasons for the objection and suggest a work to be added to the library collection that addresses the same topic.
- The Library Director will review the complaint and a letter or email explaining the decision shall be sent to the complainant.
Final disposition authority to keep or remove a book or other material rests with the Library Director. Until a decision is reached, no action shall be taken to remove the challenged material.
Further information on the American Library Association’s policy on challenged materials.
NIACC Children in the Library Policy
Children under the age of 12 who are not registered credit or non-credit students, who are not participating in an authorized college activity, or who are not attending a scheduled event, shall not be left unattended in the Library. Campus Security will be promptly notified if any child is found unattended in the Library. (Note: The “Children in the Library Policy” does not apply to minors enrolled in NIACC classes or College sponsored programs.)
Children are expected to abide by the Library’s behavior policy. The Library is not responsible for the actions, supervision, or safety of a child or for guiding or monitoring a child’s use of the Library.
Children must be accompanied and supervised by a parent or guardian at all times. Parents or adult caregivers must monitor all activities and behavior of their children while they are in the Library. The Library reserves the right to ask the parent/caregiver of a child exhibiting disruptive behavior to leave with the child. Parents or guardians accept all responsibility for any damage to property or act of vandalism done by the child.
Children and Library Computers
Children under age 6 are not permitted to use the Library’s computers. Children 6 to 12 may only use the Library’s computers under direct parental supervision, when computers are available. Preference will be given to college students wishing to use the computers for scholastic purposes. Additionally, children using the Library’s computers must comply with the College’s Technology Policy and parents are required to closely monitor their children to ensure that these policies are adhered to. Again, parents/guardians are responsible for any property damage or act of vandalism done by the child, and campus security will be promptly notified if any child is left unattended in the Library.
The Library does not censor or filter library materials or workstations. Therefore, it is the parent’s or guardian’s responsibility to determine whether the material their child is reading, viewing or listening to is appropriate for her child.
Children Unattended at Closing
Library staff will attempt to contact a child’s caregiver if a child 16 years of age or younger is in the Library unattended at closing.
If a caregiver cannot be reached within 15 minutes, Library staff will notify Campus Security. Library staff will consult the Library Director before the police are notified. If The Library Director cannot be reached, library staff have discretion to notify Campus Security.
College staff will remain with the child until a caregiver or Security arrives.
Library staff will not drive a child to any location or leave a child alone on campus after the Library closes.
NIACC Library Circulation Policy
“Circulation” is the library’s term for lending and borrowing “physical” materials from the library’s collection.
Checking out materials
Your NIACC OneCard must be presented each time you check out any materials. Be careful about loaning your card to anyone else, as all activity on your card, not just library check outs, but also purchases at the Book Zone or Food Court, are your responsibility. If you lose your OneCard, be sure to obtain a new one. A replacement card may be purchased ($25) in the Student Development Office (AB104).
Loan Limits
- NIACC students may have up to 10 items checked out at one time.
- NIACC faculty and staff may have up to 25 items checked out at one time.
- Community borrowers may have up to 10 items checked out at one time.
Item Check out periods
Books | 3 weeks | Y |
Magazine back issues | 1 week | Y |
Hourly course reserve materials | 1 or 2 hours; in-library use only | N |
Overnight course reserve materials | 1, 2, or 7 days | N |
Videos, DVDs | 1 day | N |
Oversized coffee table books | 3 weeks | Y |
Children’s books | 1 week | Y |
Overdue Notices
Overdue notices are sent as a courtesy to remind forgetful borrowers that an item should be returned. The notices are sent via snail mail to the patron’s address of record, monthly, starting the first of the month after the item has become overdue. If the college has sent three notices and the overdue items have not been returned, a bill will be sent for the replacement cost of items not returned and a hold will be placed on the student’s account.
Replacement Costs
If library material that has been checked out to a borrower is lost, stolen, or damaged, the borrower is responsible for replacement costs, including a $10 processing fee for each item. These fees can be paid (cash, check, or credit card) at the Business Office (AB102). You may also replace the lost item with a new copy of the same edition of the book or other item, and only the processing fee will be charged.
Students who have unpaid fees for lost/damaged materials will be blocked from receiving their transcripts and proof of degree after graduation. As soon as the materials are returned, or the bill is paid, the charge will be removed from the borrower’s record.
Suspension of Borrowing Privileges
Unpaid replacement costs will result in the suspension of borrowing privileges.
Open Access Program
NIACC participates in the Iowa Open Access Program. Anyone 18 or older who has a library card from another participating library in the state may use that card to check out materials from the NIACC Library, and NIACC students may also use their OneCards to check out materials from other Open Access libraries. Materials borrowed from other libraries may be returned to the NIACC Library and we will mail them back to the original lending library.
Any resident in the NIACC service area may get an Open Access borrower card by presenting the library staff a library card from a participating library, or identification that shows you are enrolled at a participating academic institution (Student ID or current class schedule), or live in a participating public library’s community (such as a utility bills or voter registration card or driver’s license).
Items can be renewed up to three times, and may be renewed by calling the library or stopping in at the desk. Either way, you will need your OneCard.
NIACC Library Collection Development Policy
The NIACC Library’s collection decisions are based on analysis of the information needs of the Library’s users and an environmental scan of available resources to meet those needs. Popular literature and materials for entertainment purposes are collected, with funds allocated first to materials supporting the learning needs of current students. The library’s collecting activities focus on collecting to existing strength, responding to donation opportunities, and supporting the community’s information and research needs.
The Library selects, makes available, evaluates, and, as necessary, divests the collection of books, periodicals, audiovisual materials, and searchable collections of online content. For those members of the NIACC faculty, staff, and students whose scholarly or research needs are beyond the scope of the Library’s collections, the Library will assist the individual in obtaining materials through our interlibrary loan service, via the free web, and direct purchase.
The NIACC Library endorses the following policy statements by the American Library Association:
Selection of materials by the Library does not imply endorsement of the content or the views expressed in those materials. No material will be excluded from the collection because of the race, nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation, political or social viewpoint, or controversial nature of either the author or of the materials.
Staff evaluation of donated materials is based on the Library’s Donations Policy.
Collection Goals
The collections of the NIACC Library will have breadth across the disciplines of study at the college. Resources will be regularly evaluated to assure that they maintain value and continue to meet the needs for which they were intended.
The Library will effectively deploy financial resources to best serve the mission of the Library and the College.
Collection Responsibility
The Library Director makes final decisions as to purchasing, renting, or licensing resources, based on requests from the user community and an evaluation of trial access to resources when available. Faculty will be consulted as needed, but in particular when a new program of study is being planned, when a new accreditation is sought by a program, or when a course is revised, faculty and subject matter experts will be consulted, and may initiate trial and planning stages of the evaluation and selection process. Library staff value suggestions from faculty, staff, students, and community members.
Should an academic department elect to purchase its own content for the use of specific user groups, the Library can assist the program at all points of the decision-making process, including suggesting alternative sources, obtaining, mounting and running trials and gathering feedback, vendor negotiation, contracts and licensing, and making the source available, as needed.
Guidelines for selection of materials
- Relevance to instructional needs of the faculty.
- Relevance to the interests and learning needs of students.
- Estimation of cost per circulation or view over a five year span, given cost to purchase, receive, catalog, and shelve the resource.
- Accuracy, currency and contribution to a well-balanced collection.
For databases of materials/ebooks/streaming video collections:
- Extent and quality of vendor support: What is included in license? What web-based help is available? Is there 24/7 assistance available?
- Coverage and currency: dates of coverage, update frequency.
- Licensing considerations: limitations and restrictions.
- Usability.
- Quality of mobile version.
- Textbooks: As a general rule, textbooks are not purchased for the collection.
- Faculty research materials: Materials needed by faculty members for their own research and teaching will be purchased if they meet the needs of students in a NIACC program of study.
- Foreign Language materials: In consultation with faculty, foreign language materials are purchased as needed for the use of students taking foreign language courses.
- Apps and software (Application Software): The Library does not purchase or license apps or productivity software for the collection.
Withdrawal or cancellation policy
The purpose of “weeding” is to:
- Maintain relevant and up-to-date collection that serves the needs of the students, faculty, and staff.
- Review collections for content and identify areas where additional resources are needed.
- Locate materials that need to be repaired, rebound or replaced.
- Save the expense of housing materials unnecessarily.
- Become aware of changes in the way the community uses the collection.
- Utilize available storage space in the best and most economical way.
In general, the criteria used for selection are applied when considering material for withdrawal or cancelation. In addition, other criteria when evaluating materials for withdrawal or cancellation may include:
- Low levels of use
- Changes in curriculum
- Quality and currency
- Existence of other alternative sources which match overall objective and mission more closely
Broadly, all materials are evaluated at least once a year based on content, condition, and use.
- Outdated language, photographs or illustrations
- Ephemeral; waning interest
- Dated or inaccurate information
- Duplicate titles, unless a proven and sustained demand exists for multiple copies.
- Loose, frayed or broken binding which cannot be adequately repaired in-house
- Yellow, brittle pages
- Soiled covers and pages
- Missing pages and illustrations
- Heavily marked pages
- Mutilation or damage
Generally, items that have not circulated in the last five years are evaluated for discard.
Weeding of Internet links provided on the library website and database resources are also evaluated each year at renewal. A link may be deleted or a database cancelled due to the following;
- A linked source no longer exists, or the site is no longer actively maintained.
- The information is no longer current, reliable, accurate, or authoritative as compared to other available resources.
- Another source offers more comprehensive coverage.
- Another source offers greater use, usability, better pricing, better support, a more updated search interface.
Weeded books are recycled or donated.
NIACC library staff consults CREW: A Weeding Manual for Modern Libraries as a guide to weeding decisions.
Weeding Exceptions
- Reference works: The NIACC Library’s paper reference collection will contract as the existing paper sets become outdated. They will be replaced with online content, with paper only purchased if no online alternative exists.
- Computer Science: Materials in this area become outdated quickly. As a result, the Library does not actively collect books on computer science topics except for those how-to manuals on software and basic web design.
- Audiovisual Materials: Because non-print materials are difficult to borrow through interlibrary loan, purchased DVDs will be retained until the format has become obsolete or the storage medium has become unusable.
- Children’s Books: The NIACC Library purchases those books which are awarded the Caldecott, Newberry, Coretta Scott King, Pura Belpre, Iowa Teen Choice, and Iowa Children’s Choice awards and their honor books and runners up. The Library does not actively collect series fiction (e.g., Nancy Drew, Goosebumps, Sweet Valley High) but makes an effort to collect picture books and “early reader books.”
NIACC Library Use of licensed electronic resources and workstations policy
The use of the Library’s licensed electronic resources and workstations is governed by the below linked College policies.
Student Code of Conduct: Student Handbook, pages 9-12
Student Printing Administrative Policy
NIACC Library Confidentiality and Privacy Policy
The NIACC Library protects confidential information; honors privacy; responds to requests for information about library users, and informs patrons about confidentiality and privacy rights and potential risks.
Privacy is the right to open inquiry without having the subject of one’s interest examined or scrutinized by others.
Confidentiality exists when a library is in possession of personally identifiable Information about users and keeps that information private on their behalf.
Personal Information includes specific information such as an individual’s name, address, telephone number, and email address.
Personally identifiable information is information that connects personal information with preferences and interests such as webpages searched, reference questions asked, or items checked out from a library.
A library or patron record is a document, record, or other method of storing information retained by a library that identifies personal Information and/or a person as having requested or obtained specific information or materials from a library. A library user’s library record includes current information, items currently checked out or on hold, as well as overdue materials and fines.
Confidentiality of library records is central to intellectual freedom and directly related to the ability of users to use library materials and pursue information without fear of intimidation.
Privacy is essential to the exercise of free speech, free thought and free association.
Library Records
Library records and other personally identifiable Information are confidential. No individual except authorized Library staff shall have access to library records other than his or her own without the individual’s consent, except as listed below. Protection of confidentiality includes database search records, circulation records, interlibrary loan records, and other personally identifiable uses of library materials, facilities or services.
The Library does not maintain a history of what a library user has previously checked out, once books and materials have been returned. However, library records for long overdue checked out materials for which a bill has been sent may be revealed to a collection agency or law enforcement personnel.
The Library may use circulation records while attempting to identify the most recent user of an item that had something left inside it, in particular harmful or suspicious content.
Library records will not be made available to any agency of the state, federal or local government except pursuant to such process, order or subpoena as may be authorized under the authority of, and pursuant to, federal, state, or local law relating to civil, criminal, or administrative discovery procedures or legislative investigatory power. However, Illegal activity is not protected. The Library may review information when a violation of law or Library policy designed to protect facilities, network, and equipment is suspected.
The Library interprets possession of a OneCard or use of a TrojanHome login as consent to use them, unless it has been reported lost or stolen, or there is reason to believe that consent has not been given.
Email, Web Forms, and Reference Questions
Information provided by a library user via email or Web forms will be used only for purposes described at the point of collection (for example on a Web form), such as to send information or provide library services to the library user, update information on the library user’s record, or respond to a library user’s questions or comments. If contact information is provided, the Library may contact the library user to clarify a comment or question, or to learn about the level of customer satisfaction with library services. The Library treats reference questions, regardless of format of transmission (in person, via telephone, fax, email, or online) confidentially. Personally identifying information related to these questions is purged on an ongoing basis.
Email is not necessarily secure against interception and may be subject to disclosure requirements or other legal disclosure requirements.
Information Automatically Collected and Stored
As library users browse through the NIACC Library website, read pages, or download information, certain information will be automatically gathered and stored about the visit, but not about the library user. The information gathered is for statistical purposes only to insure that the Library is providing appropriate services and does not personally identify any individual.
NIACC Technical Services automatically collects and stores only the following information about a visit, for statistical purposes:
- The Internet domain and IP address from which access to the Web site is gained;
- The type of browser and operating system used to access the Library’s site;
- The date and time of access to the Library’s site;
- The pages visited; and
- The address of the Web site from which the initial visit to was launched, if any, as well as the address from which a visitor exits.
Linked Tools and Sites
The Library’s Website contains links to other sites. The Library is not responsible for the privacy practices of other sites, including providers of online database services and eBook/eMedia services to which the Library subscribes, which may be different from the privacy practices described in this policy. The library contracts in good faith with vendors and asks for and compiles information regarding their privacy and confidentiality methods.
Enhancements to the Library’s online catalog system that offer greater functionality and customized features that may impact user confidentiality will be activated by the Library only if such enhancements are optional to the user. Use of enhancements is governed by privacy statements and terms and conditions of the vendor.
The Library encourages library users to become familiar with privacy policies of other sites visited, including linked sites.
Network Security
For Web site security purposes and to ensure that the services remains available to all library users, NIACC Technical Services uses software programs that monitor network traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information or otherwise cause damage. Anyone using the Library’s website expressly consents to such monitoring. Except for the above purposes, no other attempts are made to identify library users or their usage habits.
NIACC invests in appropriate technology to protect the security of personally identifiable information in the Library’s custody including removing cookies, browsing history, cached files, or other computer and Internet use records that are placed on our computers or networks.
The Library follows and is guided by the below linked policies:
Staff Access to Institutional Data
NIACC Copyright Policy
North Iowa Area Community College recognizes the importance of clearly defining policy and practice pertaining to U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17).
U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17). That commitment includes the full exercise of the rights accorded to users of copyrighted works under the “Fair-Use” provision of federal copyright law. (U.S.C. Section 107).
Copyright is the right granted by law to an author or other creator to control the use of the work created. Copyright law grants owners of copyright (authors, other creators and publishers) the sole right to do or allow others to do each of the following acts with regard to their copyrighted works:
- to reproduce all or part of the work
- to distribute copies (including by transmission through the internet)
- to prepare new (derivative) versions based on the original work
- to perform the work publicly
- to display the work publicly
It is illegal to reproduce, distribute, perform, or display copyrighted material without the copyright holder’s permission, unless:
- the rightholder has stipulated other terms of use indicating certain other uses are permitted, or
- the material is in the public domain (material over 70 years old most often falls into this category),
- the manner in which the material is used qualifies as Fair Use as prescribed by U.S. Copyright law.
Fair Use
Fair Use Doctrine is a component of U.S. Copyright law. (Section 107). It allows for the use of copyrighted materials, without gaining authorization, based on four factors:
- The purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
- The nature of the copyrighted work;
- The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole (Known often as the Brevity test);
- The effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work (Known often as the cumulative effect test).
These four use factors were originally considered the tests a judge would apply to adjudicate copyright cases, rather than a checklist for those wishing to use copyrighted material, but over time the four factor test is commonly offered as a way for the user to determine fair use. In general, no use is fair or “unfair” until adjudicated so, but the use of checklists and the expertise of others on campus can help all users to make legal use of copyrighted materials in educational settings.
No one factor alone determines a person’s right to use a copyrighted work without permission.
Fair Use Doctrine does not grant permission for use of copyrighted material simply on the grounds that it is to be used for educational purposes. For example, copying and distributing an entire textbook to students would be illegal, because it violates factors 3 and 4. But copying one chapter might be acceptable.
Fair use rules of thumb have been established, but there is no agreed upon hard and fast definition of how brief is “brief enough,” for example. Most rules of thumb indicate that copying and sharing 10 percent of a whole work is acceptable, or note that one copy can be used once for one section of a course before seeking and receiving written permission from the copyright holder. These guidelines can be effective guards against charges of infringement, but following these guidelines will not guarantee that a claim of copyright infringement will not be leveled.
Face-to-Face Teaching Exemption for audiovisual material
Any video, DVD, movie, streaming video, or other audiovisual material that was not purchased with “public performance rights” included can be shown in class, but the showing/the copy used must comply with the “Educational Exemption” or “Face-to-Face Teaching Exemption.” To qualify for the exemption, the showing must occur in a face-to-face, real-time, moderated teaching situation at a non-profit educational institution, and meet all of the following criteria:
- Performances and displays of audiovisual works must be made from legitimate sources, such as pre-recorded videocassettes. Copies made from illegitimate sources or on-air broadcasts are not included in the exemption.
- The copyright notice must be displayed.
- The relationship between the film or video and the course must be explicit (i.e., the video illustrates concepts or topics discussed in the course and evidenced by the course and assignment objectives).
- Performances or showings must be part of a systematic course of instruction and not serve a solely entertainment, recreational, or cultural enrichment purpose. The instructor should be able to show how the use of the material contributes to students’ achieving the overall objectives of the course. The course does not have to be a credit course, but must be one recognized by the institution (i.e., listed on a syllabus or on the course web portal) and for which students must register.
- The instructors or pupils must view performances and displays from the same location in which it is being screened; that is, no broadcasting from outside sources (such as via closed-circuit television) is allowed.
- Performances and displays must take place in classrooms and other campus locations devoted to instruction; residence hall and Activity Center lounges, auditoriums, or cafeterias do not qualify.
- Performances and displays must be a part of the teaching activities at a non-profit teaching institution.
- Attendance is limited to the instructors, pupils, and guest lecturers of a specific course. Only students registered for the class may attend the screening.
- No fee specific to the screening may be charged.
TEACH Act Exemptions
The TEACH Act amends Sections 110(2) and 112 of the Copyright Act of 1976 to give instructors at accredited nonprofit educational institutions greater flexibility to use third party copyrighted works in online course delivery.
The bill permits the display and performance of virtually all types of works during online instruction without the consent of the copyright owner, provided that:
- the online instruction at an eligible institution is mediated by an instructor;
- the transmission of the material is intended only for receipt by students enrolled in the current course section, regardless of where the students are physically located;
- the institution employs measures to prevent “retention of the work in accessible form by recipients of the transmission for longer than the class session;”
- the institution employs measures that limit the transmission of the material to students enrolled in the particular course and precludes unauthorized student retention and/or downstream redistribution “to the extent technologically feasible;”
- use of the material is clearly for educational, not entertainment purposes.
Specifically allowed:
- Performances of non-dramatic literary works, such as readings from a novel, textbook, or poetry;
- Performances of non-dramatic musical works, such as playing a recording or actually performing a new pop song or symphony;
- Performances of any other work, including dramatic and audiovisual works in “reasonable and limited portions;”
- Displays of any work “in an amount comparable to that which is typically displayed in the course of a live classroom session.”
Specifically excluded:
Works that are marketed “primarily for performance or display as part of mediated instructional activities transmitted via digital network;” i.e., videos or tutorials from textbook publishers
Performances or displays made possible by means of copies that might not have been lawfully made.
It is the policy of the College to facilitate the exercise in good faith of full Fair-Use rights by faculty, librarians, and staff, in furtherance of their teaching, research, and service activities. To that end, the College shall:
- Inform its faculty, librarians, and staff about their Fair-Use rights and the application of the four factors for determining those rights set forth in Title 17 of the United States Code: Section 107 ;
- Make available resources concerning Fair-Use and intellectual property laws generally and the application of Fair Use in specific situations;
- Avoid, whenever possible, adopting or supporting policies or agreements that would restrict Fair-Use rights.
If reproduction, linking, or display of copyrighted material does not meet the “fair use” guidelines, College employees must seek a written authorization to copy or reproduce the material from the copyright holder and retain such written permission. The library can assist in the permission process, or suggest optional materials.
NIACC Library Display Policy
Displays in the NIACC Library educate and inform, and/or promote events, collections, and ideas to the students, faculty and staff of NIACC and Buena Vista-Mason City. Display space may be requested by current NIACC and BV faculty, staff, college-sanctioned student clubs and organizations, or service organizations in the 10-county service area.
Library displays:
- Promote the use of library materials and services.
- Increase awareness of NIACC events, services, clubs/organizations, and courses/curriculum.
- Promote the mission and vision of the College.
- Displays will be consistent with the Library’s commitment to freedom of information and cultural diversity. They are not to be used to promote personal, commercial, or organizational beliefs.
- Displays should highlight library collections or services, either directly or indirectly.
- Displays will be displayed for not less than two weeks and not more than eight weeks.
- Any costs will be assumed by the sponsoring organization. Insurance for displays is the responsibility of the sponsoring body.
- Although the display cases are locked, the Library cannot be responsible for personally valuable items placed in the display cases.
- Displays created by individuals or groups outside the library should include a sign or other label indicating the name of the individual or organization responsible for the display.
- The Library will review and approve each display. The Library reserves the right to alter or remove any display.
- Inventory lists shall be submitted to the Library by the sponsors prior to the installation of their displays.
- The sponsoring individual or organization is responsible for disassembly of a display in a timely manner.
- To schedule a display case, please contact Makenna Jensen at x4407 or
Student Organizations
Displays sponsored by student organizations should be coordinated between club leadership and a librarian. Recognizing that student organizations are aligned with varied professional, social, cultural, religious, and political interests of the student body, NIACC’s library seeks to provide a forum whereby such clubs can express the viewpoint of the organization while promoting their organization, library resources, academic inquiry, and civil discussion. As such, displays relating to controversial issues may be required to include materials which represent diverging viewpoints. Additionally, student organizations interested in expressing alternate viewpoints may be invited to sponsor a display which might contribute to a broader discussion.
NIACC Library Materials Donation Policy
The NIACC Library accepts donations of new or used print and audiovisual materials on a limited basis. The Library accepts only those materials which are highly relevant to the needs of the institution.
Donated materials are evaluated based on their adherence to the Library’s Collection Development Policy. All donations will be evaluated by the Director using the same selection standards used for purchased materials. The Library reserves the right to utilize donated materials in whatever way best benefits its collections and services. Gifts may be added to the collection, donated to another academic institution, sold to benefit the College, or discarded. Discarded items cannot be returned to the donor.
The Library and its employees cannot assign value and/or appraise materials, or provide a receipt for tax purposes. The donor should arrange for a third-party valuation and/or appraisal prior to donation of materials if the information is needed for tax purposes.
Monetary gifts to benefit the Library may be arranged with the NIACC Foundation.
Accepted Materials
With the exception of some archival and alternate format materials, donated materials will be added to the Library collection and interfiled in accordance to the library’s classification.
Once accepted, the donation becomes the property of the Library, which reserves the right to determine whether the donation will be retained, where it will be located, and how it will be cataloged and circulated.
Placement of materials in the College Archive or Reference collections is at the discretion of the Library Director.
Declined Materials
Materials deemed unsuitable for the Library Collection will be discarded, sold, or donated at the Library’s discretion.
Memorial Donations
The NIACC Library is pleased to work with individuals seeking to purchase materials in memory of a person or event. Inclusion of such materials in the Library collection is governed by the Library’s Collection Development Policy. We ask that you work with the Library Director to select material appropriate to the collection.
Memorials of plaques, statuary, art, or furniture are accepted at the discretion of the Library Director and with the assistance of the NIACC Foundation, with the understanding that the Library Director reserves the right to choose placement and promotion, or decline the donation.
Evaluation Considerations
Sometimes the Library must decline donations because they do not fit the Library’s mission, follow collection priorities, or meet a current need. The Library will generally not accept the following:
- Textbooks
- Reader’s Digest Condensed Books
- Encyclopedia sets
- Duplicates of material already in the Library Collection
- Journal or newspaper issues
- Items in poor physical condition (i.e. brittle paper, water damage, writing or highlighting on pages, torn and/or missing pages, etc.)
- Items in obsolete formats (i.e., laser discs, floppy discs, cassette tapes, or VHS tapes)
- Items with visible mold
NIACC Library Food and Drink Policy
- Plan ahead: When possible, plan to eat your meals before you come to the Library. If you do carry in snacks or drinks, please heat them and eat them in Café Bean.
- Drinks in closed containers are allowed in the Library!
- Dispose of waste properly: Make sure to place recyclables in recycling bins and non-recyclable garbage in trash cans.
- Leave Library and Café Bean resources, furnishings, and equipment as you found them–or in better condition than you found them. If you leave or find a mess, and need help cleaning it up, let the library staff know.
NIACC Library Interlibrary Loan Service Policy
Have you run across an article you’d like to read, but you can only see the abstract? Hear of a book you’d love to read, but our library hasn’t purchased it? Anyone who is enrolled in a course at NIACC or works or teaches for NIACC can borrow books and articles which are not held by the NIACC Library through NIACC Library’s Interlibrary Loan Service (if your library account is not blocked), at no charge.
The Book and Article Request Form is linked on the library website, and paper request forms are also available at the library desk and in racks near the library terminals.
If you are interested in a book loan, jump down the page to the section labeled Service Guidelines.
Before you fill out an article request, however….
Try finding an article at Google Scholar
If NIACC doesn’t have an article you want, before you place a request, try searching for it on Google Scholar, which is a Google powered search for academic articles. You may find a free copy online.
Go to Google Scholar, enter the article title, and click Search:
If available, your article should appear as one of the first few results:
If you click on the link to the article title in the middle of the page where Google search results tend to be, you may be taken to a publisher’s site that will ask you to pay for full text. Don’t do it! Instead, look for a link on the right margin that usually starts with [PDF] or [DOC]. This will lead to the full text, which sometimes will look like a manuscript version or a version with some edits. Don’t worry: it’s the article!
If there is no link on the right:
- Try searching regular Google.
- Use our request form!
Service Guidelines
- E-books, audio books, DVDs and other media, software and apps are not available through the interlibrary loan service.
- Books are delivered in paper format, and come to us via the US mail. We will notify you via email that a book has arrived in the library for pick up.
- The average delivery time for an article is 3 days.
- The average delivery time for a book or book chapter is a week.
- Providing incomplete citation information may delay our being able to fill your request: if we cannot find the source with the information provided, we contact the interlibrary loan requester for additional information. For articles, include the journal and article title, author, volume, issue number, year, and the page numbers.
- Nearly all articles are now delivered to the library as pdf files. Once an article request is filled, you will get an email indicating the document is available, with a link in the body of the email to download the article and a password (“Your requested file is available at URL. Use this case-sensitive password: XXX”).
The email header will look like this:
- Once a document has been uploaded, it is available for 30 days or 5 views, whichever comes first. After 30 days, the link to the article in the email you received will cease to work, because the document is dropped from the server, due to licensing restrictions. It is your responsibility to print or download a copy of the before the links “expire,” so be sure to check your email, including your spam folder, just in case it ends up there.
- The library will query up to 15 library partners to find a loanable copy for you. If we do not find a copy to borrow, if copies found are not available due to copyright or intellectual property law restrictions, or if the copies found would incur a charge to the NIACC library, the loan will not be filled and you will be notified.
Questions? Contact the library at 641.422.4407 or
NIACC Library Photocopying and Fax Policy
The Library has one public photocopier, which prints black and white copies.
Copying Charges 15 cents/page | |
Fax | Page |
First page | $1.00 |
Each additional page | $0.50 |
- A fax transmission cover sheet is available upon request. The cover sheet is considered one of your fax pages, so it will be included in your per page charges.
- Fee must be paid at time of service. Charges for sending may be paid in cash only.
- Fax transmission/collection service is available only during the hours the Library is open, staff time permitting.
- Transmission errors are common, and not controllable by the Library.
- The Library is not responsible for successful transmission of faxes, nor is the library responsible for any damage, loss of data or consequential damage arising out of the use of this service.
Students may print to the black and white printer by the library computer lab. More on student printing can be found here.
NIACC Library Reference Policy
Reference services are provided primarily for NIACC students, faculty, and staff; and for anyone who is connecting the Library’s service on the web. NIACC students, faculty, and staff can expect that their questions will be prioritized over those of others in the NIACC service area and elsewhere.
What kind of help is available?
Email reference services are designed to handle questions typically asked at the reference desk, such as questions about finding information on a particular topic, journal citations, phone numbers, and definitions. We will provide up to three book titles or article citations about a topic and tell you how to find similar resources in an email.
Response time for email reference queries is 24 hours.
In person reference consultation via phone and face to face is available at all hours the Beem Center location is open.
Help we cannot provide
Though most requests can be accommodated, there are a few things that cannot do:
- Verification of incomplete citations that require searching through paper copies of books or journals cannot be handled adequately through social media. A NIACC community member can make an appointment to discuss this need in person.
- Requests for legal, medical, financial, or tax advice.
- Requests for genealogy research, which will be referred to appropriate public libraries, online sources, or the state library. Staff will assist you in using the NIACC archives.
NIACC Library Scope of Library Services Policy
The NIACC Library helps our students, faculty, staff, and service community members become effective researchers and connects them with information.
Library staff will:
- Explain and demonstrate Library, web search, and research concepts.
- Assist in developing search and research strategies.
- Help researchers get the most out of the full text offerings contained in the databases.
- Assist researchers in obtaining copies of resources that are not available in the Library’s collections.
- Discuss and recommend books, articles, videos, or other materials for users based on their interests and needs.
- Assist users in finding items on the shelves.
Library staff cannot:
- Analyze an assignment and come up with an appropriate research topic. We can help you focus and narrow a general topic.
- Perform database research and provide articles in response to user requests.
- Assist with productivity software or tool issues (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Google Docs, Canvas).
- Create source citations in a specific format or recommend a specific citation format (i.e., MLA, APA).
- Print items for users.
NIACC Library Appropriate Use of Licensed Content and Software Policy
Access, use, and reproduction of electronic journals, databases, and other resources made available through the NIACC Library are governed by contracts or license agreements between the College and their publishers or third party vendors. In many cases, license agreements impose greater restrictions on use than does copyright law, and these terms may further limit uses of material. Members of the NIACC community are expected to make reasonable and good faith efforts to comply with the terms of these agreements.
In most cases, off-campus remote use of these resources is limited to current students, faculty, and staff of the College.
In using licensed electronic resources, all users should:
- limit uses to non-commercial, educational, or personal research purposes;
- safeguard institutional access to resources by not sharing your network user name and password.
In general, all users may:
- print, download or quote limited amounts of information, with proper attribution;
- copy an article for your personal use, in teaching or research;
Users may not:
- systematically download large amounts of information (e.g. download all articles in a journal issue; engage in large-scale downloading from licensed resources to create large databases);
- post or embed a copy of a published article (e.g., to Canvas, a departmental Web site, or an association or commercial Web site) unless the database license specifically permits it. Users may provide links to the articles in the database, provided the links lead NIACC affiliated users to authenticate with their TrojanHome login.
- distribute copies of material to individuals or groups outside the college, unless the license for the resource specifically allows it;
- sell or distribute articles to individuals, institutions, or organizations for commercial purposes.
Users should be aware that publishers monitor use levels of electronic resources to verify compliance with licensing agreements. Breach of license by a single user may enable the publisher to suspend the College’s access without warning.