Housing Accommodations
Housing Requests Based on Disability-Related Needs
North Iowa Area Community College (“NIACC” or the “College”) recognizes the importance of providing accommodations in its housing policies and practices where necessary for individuals with disabilities to use and enjoy NIACC Student Housing. NIACC Disability Services (NDS) is responsible for evaluating whether to grant or deny requests for accommodation in College housing. In evaluating the request, NDS will determine whether the requested accommodation is necessary and reasonable. Individuals with a disability who reside or intend to reside in College housing who believe they need a disability related accommodation must contact Disability Services.
Basic Procedure to Receive Housing Accommodation(s)
- First, a student must register with NIACC Disability Services using the process outlined.
- Complete the Housing Accommodation Online Request form. A Housing Accommodation Request must be made prior to June 1st (fall term) or November 1st (spring term) depending on your college start semester. A request must be made each school year.
- Submit supporting documentation that verifies functional limitations imposed by the disability(ies) that you identified on the form.
- There is specific information required for approval of an ESA. Please see the ESA Policy for additional information.
- The Housing Accommodations Committee will review your application and documentation and a representative from the Disability Services Office will discuss your disability-related accommodation needs with you, when needed.
- NIACC Disability Services (NDS) will contact you to inform you of the accommodation(s) that have been approved. Notification will be sent to your NIACC email address.
- If you prefer to make your request in paper form, the request should include:
- Information about your disability and related need that is the basis of the request by a qualified provider;
- A clear description of the desired housing configuration;
- An explanation of how the request relates to the impact of your disability
- An indication of the consequences if the accommodation is not provided;
- Possible alternatives that may work if the housing accommodation request in not possible.
- If you prefer to make your request in paper form, the request should include:
Example of factors that may be considered when evaluating housing requests on a case-by-case basis:
- Severity of the condition
- Timing of the request
- Feasibility / Availability (e.g. Is space available that meets the student’s needs? Can space be adapted without creating a safety hazard? Will the request affect other housing residents? Are there other effective methods that would fulfill the student’s needs?).
- Documentation by a licensed professional
*Note: You must pay your housing deposit and complete necessary paperwork for housing selection with NIACC Student Housing.
Contact information for the Disability Services Office
Email: lisa.vance@niacc.edu
Phone: 1-888-GO-NIACC, ext. 4296
Do not submit this information to NIACC Student Housing; requests related to housing accommodations should be address to…
Director, Disability Services
North Iowa Area Community College
500 College Drive
Mason City, Iowa 50401
Policy for General Housing Accommodations
Living within a community and sharing space is a typical part of the college learning experience. Therefore, accommodation requests will be granted only when this is a necessity based on a student’s disability(ies). Students making the request for housing accommodations will work through NIACC Disability Services (NDS). Students must submit documentation from a licensed professional that supports the need for the accommodation, noting the bulleted points previously listed. The Housing Accommodation Committee, made up of representatives from NDS and Student Services, will review submitted documentation to determine if it is sufficient to support the need for the specific housing accommodation requested. If there is sufficient documentation to prove that a housing accommodation is necessary, any other options are completely exhausted, and a room providing the specific requested accommodation is available, the student will be granted the housing accommodation.
Roommate conflicts are not sufficient cause for the request of a single room. When a roommate conflict is the prevailing concern, the student must first attempt to resolve the conflict through mediation involving NIACC Student Housing staff and other services offered by the College.
Submission of a housing accommodation request does not guarantee availability of housing. NIACC strives to find the most appropriate housing for students with accommodation needs. However, due to the limited size of the campus and number of housing options, timely submission of paperwork is essential. NIACC will not ask for or require an individual with a disability to pay an extra fee or surcharge for an approved accommodation.
Students must submit their Housing Accommodation Request and documentation to the Disability Services Office by June 1st (fall term) or November 1st (spring term), depending on college start semester. Requests will be granted in the order they are received. Therefore, early submission is strongly recommended to increase the likelihood that the accommodation will be granted. Housing assignments for all students will occur July 1st for fall move in so accommodations for space are made more difficult beginning July 1st. With that said, even for late submissions, NIACC will make every effort to accommodate based on the residential space available on campus at the time of submission.
If a student with a documented disability believes that he/she has not been provided with a reasonable housing accommodation, the student should follow NIACC’s Non-discrimination Grievance Procedure.