Are you looking for a highly sought after career in Iowa? Look no further! According to Iowa Workforce Development Iowa’s top 5 careers are:
- Advanced Manufacturing Production, Installation & Maintenance
- Construction & Engineering
- Healthcare & Biosciences
- Information Technology
- Management, Business & Financial Operations
All of which you can earn a degree in at NIACC through the following Meta Majors:
- Skilled Trades, which includes a variety of career options from construction trades to engineering and much more!
- Health Science, includes more than a dozen pathways such as laboratory technician, nursing associate degree, physical therapist assistant, just to name a few.
- Humanities, offering communications, graphic design and web and social media degrees.
- STEM, where you can explore business or information technology!
- Business, allowing you to lead, manage and build a career in accounting, business administration, marketing, and entrepreneurship!
Over the next several weeks, we will introduce you to instructors teaching within these career focuses, sharing their perspective of the student experiences they provide through NIACC degree, diploma and certificate programs.
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