SHRM Certification Test Prep Course

Prepare for the Future of Human Resources with SHRM Certification
Our team of experts can help you succeed
Now more than ever, HR is critical to our workforce. Prove you have the dedication, skills and credibility to lead this charge by becoming SHRM-certified. SHRM certifications are unique, as they are the only behavioral competency-based programs in the field. 92% of HR executives agree that “it will be important for HR professionals to be SHRM-certified in the future.” Earning one of the SHRM credentials conveys a clear message to C-suite leaders: “This HR professional is invested in their career and is ready to lead.”
Increase your chances of passing your exam by attending our upcoming certification prep course. An expert, SHRM-certified instructor will be on hand to answer your questions, guide you through interactive discussions, review sample test questions and provide exclusive test-taking tips.

Finding the time to focus on career training can be tough when you’re managing a busy work day and responsibilities at home. Stay on track to earn your certification with a structured learning experience and support.

We are committed to keeping your course fees as low as possible, while helping you reach your SHRM Certification or professional development goals. We can also help you take advantage of student discounts and funding options available to you.

Gain guidance from our SHRM-certified instructors to help you comprehend and learn to apply your new HR knowledge. Network with peers to share real-life examples and bring HR knowledge and competencies to life.
“I loved the instructor-led SHRM Learning System course. Rather than just teaching facts and figures, the course has improved my critical thinking skills as an HR professional.”
Upcoming Course Start Dates

Weekly – Thursdays
2/20/25 – 5/22/25
6:30 pm – 9:00 pm
What to Expect

Learn from highly respected and experienced, SHRM-certified instructors with years of hands-on experience in HR.

Interact with your instructor and fellow classmates in virtual environments available anywhere with an internet connection.

Attend classes on a 14-week schedule, with time to study materials in between classes on your own unique schedule.

Keep yourself accountable and stay on track to earn your certification with a structured learning experience and support.
Course Preparation Tools Designed for Success
Registration also includes the online and print versions of the SHRM Learning System—the official cert prep tool, now updated with questions previously used on actual SHRM Certification exams. Designed specifically for adult learners, this interactive system provides a personalized roadmap that combines in-depth HR knowledge with real-life situations to help you master the material and set you up for success on your exam.