John V. Hanson Career Center
Earn college credit by enrolling in a NIACC Academy at the John V. Hanson Career Center

Students from Forest City High School, GHV High School, Lake Mills High School, and North Iowa High School have the opportunity to enroll in the John V. Hanson Career Center. The Career Center is located in Forest City and allows students to choose between four academies that can lead to good paying jobs in high demand fields.

The four academies are Advanced Manufacturing, Construction Trades, Information Technology, and Health Careers. Students will earn college credit by enrolling in NIACC classes at the Career Center. This comes at no cost to the student or their parents. Textbooks, tools, and equipment are also provided to the students. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity!

The Advanced Manufacturing Academy exposes students to a wide variety of skills necessary to be successful in today’s manufacturing workforce. Students will gain drafting skills as well as be given the opportunity to put design into practice with hands-on projects. Students completing the Advanced Manufacturing Academy will be ready to enter one of the NIACC manufacturing programs: Welding, Tool & Die, Industrial Mechanics and Maintenance, and Industrial Systems Technology. Students will also be better prepared for the NIACC HVAC, Automotive Technology, and Diesel Technology programs. Some students that attend the Advanced Manufacturing Academy may choose to enter a manufacturing career right out of high school. Students that complete the Advanced Manufacturing Academy will earn a NIACC Industrial Mechanics and Maintenance Certificate and Fundamentals of Welding Certificate.
Fall Semester
Course Number | Course Name | Credits |
IND-190 | Skills and Safety in Industry | 1 |
ELT-190 | Intro to Tech. Computing/CAD | 3 |
ELT-115 | Electronic Concepts | 3 |
WBL-110 | Employability Skills | 2 |
WEL-274 | Shielded Metal Arc Weld I | 3 |
Spring Semester
Course Number | Course Name | Credits |
WEL-262 | Thermal Cutting Processes I-Manual and Mechanized Oxyfuel Cutting: Sense 1 | 2 |
WEL-244 | Gas Metal Arc Welding Short Circuit | 2 |
ELT-788 | Fluid Power I | 2 |
IND-166 | Mechanical Systems I | 2 |
ELT-745 | Maintenance Shop Operations | 3 |
Total Credits Advanced Manufacturing Academy: 23

The Construction Trades Academy prepares students for work in residential and commercial construction. Students will be exposed to extensive hands on learning by building actual construction projects. Students will also have lecture time where they will learn about safety, blueprint reading, and construction drawing. Students completing the Construction Trades Academy may choose to continue their education in the NIACC Building Trades program. Students may also choose to enter the construction industry after completing the Construction Trades Academy. Students that complete the Construction Trades Academy will earn a NIACC Building Trades Certificate.
Fall Semester
Course Number | Course Name | Credits |
CON-103 | 10-Hour OSHA for Construction | 1 |
CON-110 | Construction Drawing | 1 |
CON-177 | Construction Safety/Risk Management | 1 |
CON-360 | Construction Math/Measurement | 3 |
CON-521 | Carpentry Fundamentals I | 2 |
CON-523 | Carpentry Fundamentals II | 6 |
Spring Semester
Course Number | Course Name | Credits |
CAD-216 | Architectural CADD | 2 |
CON-112 | Blueprint Reading and Estimating | 3 |
CON-255 | Carpentry I | 4 |
CON-256 | Carpentry II | 4 |
Total Credits Construction Trades Academy: 27

The Information Technology Academy introduces students to computer programming, information systems for business, and operating systems. Students take a combination of skills-based programming and business software classes, and general education courses.
Upon successful completion of the Information Technology Academy, students are eligible for a Foundations of Programming Certificate. They may choose to continue their education in the NIACC Computer Science A.S. transfer major, or the NIACC Information Technology Specialist A.A.S. career program.
Upon successful completion of the Programming Certificate curriculum with a grade point average of 2.00 (C) or higher, the student is awarded a Certificate.
Fall Semester
Course Number | Course Name | Credits |
CSC-116 | Information Computing | 3 |
CIS -125 | Intro to Program Logic W/Lang | 3 |
ENG-105 | Composition I | 3 |
WBL-100 | Exploring Careers | 3 |
Spring Semester
Course Number | Course Name | Credits |
CSC-142 | Introduction to Computer Science | 4 |
ENG-106 | Composition II | 3 |
NET-195 | Operating Systems II | 4 |
Information Technology Academy Total Credits: 23

The Health Careers Academy is for any student interested in pursuing a career in the health field. It combines practical hands-on classes with general education courses which makes it a good fit for any student. Some students that attend the Health Careers Academy may enter the workforce after high school while others may pursue advanced degrees. The Health Careers Academy prepares students to enter the Associate Degree in Nursing program at NIACC. For students that are not sure which career in healthcare they want to study, an exploring careers class will be offered that will allow students to earn college credit while observing health occupations firsthand.
Fall Semester
Course Number | Course Name | Credits |
ENG-105 | Composition I | 3 |
HSC-173 | Nurse Aide Theory | 3 |
HSC-174 | Nurse Aide Clinical | 1 |
WBL-100 | Exploring Careers | 3 |
Spring Semester
Course Number | Course Name | Credits |
EMS-114 | Emergency Medical Responder | 2 |
ENG-106 | Composition II | 3 |
HSC-120 | Medical Terminology I | 3 |
PSY-111 | Intro to Psychology | 3 |
Total Credits Health Careers Academy: 21
Director: Dan Rosacker
Office: 641-422-4330
John V. Hanson Career Center
124 Nerem Drive South
Forest City, IA 50436