The NIACC Foundation
The Top Six Reasons to Give to NIACC
- A gift to the NIACC Foundation ensures future generations success and strengthens the North Iowa region!
- NIACC directly touches the lives of more people and families than any other institution in North Iowa… nearly 30,000 people each year!
- 91% of NIACC students stay in North Iowa.
- A dollar invested in NIACC returns $9.80 to the community and your gift is tax deductible.
- Direct economic benefit of NIACC equals 4,000+ jobs.
- Private gifts have contributed significantly to NIACC’s excellence in education for nearly 100 years.
Organized in 1968 and IRS approved in 1969 as a nonprofit, tax exempt 501 (c) (3) corporation, the NIACC Foundation is structurally separate from North Iowa Area Community College and is governed by an appointed Board of Directors. The Foundation was formed because private gifts help make a college exceptional, while traditional resources (state assistance and tuition/fees) typically support the basics. The NIACC Foundation is the preferred channel for private gifts to the College, through annual giving programs, planned gifts, and major or special gift campaigns.
The overall mission of the NIACC Foundation is to maximize private gift support and provide stewardship to multiply funds already raised. The Foundation aligns itself with the College’s major priorities in order to aid NIACC in fulfilling its own mission of excellence in education and service to the North Iowa region.
Contact our office at 641-422-4386