Transfer Students

Students who have recently enrolled in another accredited college or university that want to enroll at NIACC can find out what is required for you to transfer your credits here.
Admissions Checklist for Transfer Students
- Application: Complete the NIACC application for admission.
- Note that your social security number and intended major are required on the application. Once you are accepted, you will receive a student identification number. This ID number will be on your acceptance letter.
- Acceptance to NIACC does not guarantee your acceptance to certain majors. Please check to see if there are additional requirements for acceptance into the major.
- If you are a high school student who is dual enrolled at your high school and NIACC, you do not need to complete an application for admissions. Your application for admissions was indicated on your registration form for your NIACC classes.
- High School Transcript: Send your high school transcript at the same time as you apply. If you obtained your HSED, please forward your scores in place of a high school transcript.
- Assessment Scores: You may submit your American College Test (ACT) scores, Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) scores or Accuplacer Assessment scores.
- Accuplacer is offered free to students who will be enrolling at NIACC.* Contact the Admissions Office for assessment times. You can be accepted without scores on file. However, you will not be allowed to register for classes until you have a reading, writing and math assessment score on file.
- College Transcripts: If you have earned credits at another college, have your transcript(s) forwarded to NIACC.
- If you have earned an Associate, Bachelor’s or higher degree, you may submit your college transcript in place of your high school transcript.
- If you have earned a C or higher in any college level reading, writing or math, you will not be required to submit assessment scores. College level courses are typically 100 or above level courses on your transcript.
- Application: Complete the NIACC application for admission.
NOTE: if you are interested in any of the following areas only, please see the requirements for enrolling. You will not be required to submit transcripts and/or assessment scores if you are not enrolling in any reading, writing or math course.
Coaching Authorization – Wanting to earn your coaching authorization without enrolling at NIACC for other courses. Find this information on our Athletic Department web page.
Online Education – If you goal is to enroll in courses completely online and not attend any classes face to face, find out your enrollment process by going to our Online Courses information.