Suggest A Book
Common Read Selection Criteria
The Common Read Committee invites you to suggest a book that students will enjoy reading and find relevant; a book that will challenge them intellectually and for which faculty members can incorporate into their course reading lists; Ideally, this book can be discussed across the disciplines and has not already appeared on most high school reading lists; only books that do not exceed 300 – 350 pages will be considered; the book must have a living author. *Please note: due to the cost and volume of books the campus needs, independently published books may be challenging for our Common Read.
We are interested in books that are:
- Appropriate, accessible, and relatable for college students (entering freshmen). Does not exceed 300 – 350 pages
- Cross-disciplinary, can be used in a variety of classroom environments
- Relevant to current issues and trends in society
- Opportunities for on-campus programming and events
- Relevant to NIACC’s vision of:
- Seizing Opportunities
- Success for all stakeholders
- Adaptive approaches
- Teamwork
- Positive risk-taking