Guided Pathways
The Guided Pathways approach to student success starts with clearly designed, coherent, and well-communicated programs; ample support for career exploration; and informed program selection. A student in a guided pathway sees very clearly the map of courses required to complete the program, develops a personalized, comprehensive plan to reach their goal, and receives structured support to ensure they stay on the path.
Clear Path to Employment and Further Education – Programs that are fully mapped out and aligned with further education and career advancement while also providing structured or guided exploration for undecided students
Help Students Choose a Path and Enter – Proactive academic and career advising from the start through completion and/or transfer, with assigned point of contact at each stage.
Help Students Stay on their Path – Early alert systems aligned with interventions and resources to help students stay on the pathway, persist, and progress.
Ensure Learning is Happening with Intentional Outcomes – Redesigning and integrating basic skills/developmental education classes to accelerate students to college-level classes.