Pappajohn Student Entrepreneurial Venture Competition
Sponsored by John Pappajohn, Equity Dynamics, Inc., the Pappajohn New Venture Business Plan Competition is intended for college students with an interest in starting their own business. Plans are judged based on a) Content of Plan and b) Viability of Plan. Teams in the NIACC Regional Competition will compete for one of three (3) $500 seed grants and an opportunity to advance to the statewide competition. Finalists at the statewide competition will compete for one of three (3) seed grants in the amount of $5,000.
o Full or part-time undergraduate or graduate students registered during the fall semester at any Iowa post-secondary educational institution are eligible for the competition.
o Plans may be submitted by an individual or by a team of students.
o Teams must consist of at least one student member.
o Teams must consist of five or fewer members.
o Business plans must be for a start-up business only (not for an existing business).
The Regional Competition will be March 29 at NIACC in Pappajohn Center room 117 from 3:00-4:30pm.
Competition Timeline:
• March 29th, 2017–All applications due
Initial submission of Executive Summary, One-page Business Model Canvas, Financial Projections (Income Statement), and Terms & Conditions (signed)
• April 10th–Up to 15 Teams Selected to Advance
• April 21st–Final Statewide Competition/Awards ($5,000), tentatively set for 8AM-1PM
Regional award winners will give a pitch presentation (including slide deck) to Equity Dynamics staff in Des Moines, IA. Three top awards ($5,000 each) will be presented following a luncheon event. ($5,000 winners are not eligible for the $500 regional award–only one award per team.)
To Register–Please contact Mary Spitz in the Pappajohn Center 641-422-4111
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Ref # 6101