Volunteers Needed to Make Lifelong Difference in Individuals’ Lives
Diploma or dropout?
For many students who struggle with reading, their future could go either route. Multiple studies indicate that students who can’t read proficiently are four times more likely than skilled readers to drop out of school. One key to helping these students master reading and related literacy skills is to provide extra, one-on-one attention early in their academic lives.
The Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) of North Central Iowa does just that. RSVP trains volunteers to help struggling readers become successful readers. Students who are proficient in reading struggle less in other subjects, reducing the chance of dropping out of school.
RSVP offers literacy programs focused on improving students’ reading skills, a letter-writing program aimed at building writing skills and other programs – all of which foster intergenerational relationships between volunteers and students – in schools throughout North Central Iowa.
In addition, RSVP has initiated a new partnership with Cerro Gordo County Emergency Management to operate a phone bank in a natural disaster or public safety emergency.
RSVP staff will explain their programs, and how persons 55 and older can get involved, at “Taste of RSVP” open houses throughout the RSVP service area in August. Volunteers may attend any open house. The events, for current RSVP volunteers and anyone interested in becoming a volunteer, are as follows:
Worth County
Date: Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Time: 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Place: Olson Community Room, 906 1st Ave. S, Northwood
Hancock County
Date: Thursday, August 4, 2016
Time: 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Place: Garner Education Center, 325 West 8th St., Garner
Cerro Gordo County
Date: Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Time: 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Place: First Citizens Bank Heritage Room, 2601 4th St. SW, Mason City
Winnebago County
Date: Thursday, August 11, 2016
Time: 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Place: Titonka Savings Bank, 101 U.S. Highway 69, Forest City
Volunteer opportunities with RSVP:
Reading Buddies is an elementary school literacy program that helps students develop their reading skills. Volunteers generally work one-on-one with students once a week to help them improve basic literacy skills.
Pen Pals is a letter-writing program that fosters intergenerational relationships. Volunteers are paired with 4th- or 5th-grade students and exchange letters once a month. Pen Pals do not have to live in the same community as the student. The program is ideal for seniors who aren’t able to serve at a school and for “snowbirds” who are gone in the winter.
Reading Coaches is a middle school literacy and mentoring program that addresses the needs of readers by providing individual attention. Reading Coaches work one-on-one with students to improve their reading comprehension and fluency, and to increase their enjoyment of reading.
Breakfast Buddies is an elementary school mentoring program that provides a positive and nurturing environment at the school-sponsored breakfast so students are prepared for their day and enter the classroom ready to learn.
Walking School Bus is an elementary school program sponsored by the Cerro Gordo County Department of Public Health. Volunteers lead groups of children as they walk to school along designated routes during the fall and spring.
Emergency Preparedness volunteers are trained to answer non-emergency calls made to the Cerro Gordo County Emergency Management Phone Bank. Volunteers record details and disseminate information, alleviating stress on 911.
Volunteer Ombudsmen advocate for residents’ rights by making unannounced visits to nursing and residential care facilities throughout north Iowa. They visit with residents and their families about their quality of care and seek to resolve any concerns.
International Friends match new international students at NIACC with a friend from the community to provide a perspective on American culture that an international student may not experience on campus.
IRIS is a free news and information service that broadcasts 24 hours a day to thousands of blind and print-handicapped listeners throughout Iowa. Dedicated volunteers are the voices that help keep IRIS listeners connected to their communities.
Anyone interested in volunteering but unable to attend the Open Houses should call Linda Willeke at the RSVP office at (888) 466-4222 ext. 4255, (641) 422-4255, or email willelin@niacc.edu.
For information on RSVP of North Central Iowa, visit https://www.niacc.edu/community-and-continuing-education/continuing-education/rsvpor contact 1-888-466-4222 ext. 4256, (641) 422-4256 or rsvp@niacc.edu. RSVP of North Central Iowa serves the counties of Cerro Gordo, Hancock, Winnebago and Worth responding to priority community needs by providing meaningful, purposeful volunteer opportunities for people ages 55 and over. RSVP is sponsored by North Iowa Area Community College and is partly funded by the Corporation for National and Community Service, State of Iowa, United Way of North Central Iowa and local county governments.
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